Get to know our Brand Ambassadors!
We love getting to know the pups that love our treats. As we grow the Polkadog Brand Ambassador Program, we’re always looking for ways to highlight our ambassadors while learning more about their lifestyle and what makes them as excited as we are about our treats. Our mission has always been to enhance the bond between pets and their owners through our delicious, nutritious, single & limited ingredient treats. We did a fun Q&A with a handful of our most dedicated and passionate brand ambassadors to get to know them a bit more. Their responses definitely put a smile on our face, and those photos? Model material. Let’s dive in!
Meet some of our rockstar Brand Ambassadors:
Hachi, @hachi.hibachi
Human: Hannah
Breed: Shiba Inu
Age: 2 years old
Location: Columbus, Ohio
What interested you in becoming a Polkadog ambassador? We love to support small businesses, and we love single/limited ingredient treats so Hachi stays happy and healthy! We first heard about Polkadog when we went to an event called Wag Fest and Hachi got samples of the Cod Skins which he loves.
What is a core memory you have with your pup? While Hachi was a puppy and growing up, we had a group of about 5-10 dogs that would play in a field by our apartment complex and we would go out most nights and all spend time together and they were Hachi's best friends. Unfortunately, we moved away, but I'm really glad he had such a good group of dogs to grow up with and learn from.
What makes Polkadog treats worth it compared to other brands?Truly the quality. We love treats that have ingredients we know and trust.
Any funny stories or fun facts? There's a dog park we go to rather frequently and there is a person there (that I've really never spoken to - don't even know his name) and Hachi is OBSESSED with him. One time we were on the small dog side and he saw the guy go into the big dog side and Hachi ran to the gate and kept looking at me (as if to say we NEED to go over there), so I took him to the big dog side and he RAN into this man's arms. I always joke that if anything happens to me, Hachi will live with this guy.
Casanova, @canine_casanova

Human: Piper Wolff
Breed: Dalmatian
Age: 2.5 years old
Location: Boston, MA
What interested you in becoming a Polkadog ambassador? We love going into Polkadog stores, and with low ingredient quantity and the highest quality ingredients I as an owner feel great giving them to Casanova. Plus he gets SO excited anytime we walk by to see his favorite employees.
Have you noticed any specific health benefits or improvements in your dog’s well-being since trying Polkadog? With a lower number of ingredients, and having a pup with a more sensitive stomach I now am able to give him as many treats as he wants without needing to worry about how his stomach will handle it (and he loves getting as many treats as he wants!)
Best trick Casanova can do for a treat? He loves pressing the crosswalk signal for us while we are out on walks
If your dog could take 3 things on a deserted island what would they be? 1) Mom 2) lifetime supply of Lucky Duck 3) his kiddie pool for relaxing in
What makes Polkadog treats worth it compared to other brands? The perfect small size makes them ideal for training and being able to have continued repetition of new tricks without needing to break huge treats into smaller pieces.
Gunner, @gunnerthedober
Humans: Monica and Kevin
Breed: Doberman Pinscher
Age: 1 year 2 months
Location: Dallas, TX
What interested you in becoming a Polkadog ambassador? Gunner has always had a sensitive stomach since he was a puppy. All other treats either gave him an upset tummy or loose stool. I’ve heard of single ingredient treats by Polka Dog, we gave it a try, and we never looked back. Plus, my husband and I were born and raised in Rhode Island, so it’s cool to be an ambassador of a company that’s located close to where we’re from
Do you have any feel-good stories with your pet? Gunner is the biggest baby. He loves being around people and getting all of the attention. We have to say we truly found the perfect dog for our family because he’s a big attention seeker and we love to give it to him. We always FaceTime our parents to show Gunner and they always light up with joy seeing him. They love how obedient and sweet he is.
What are your dog’s nicknames? Douger (nickname given by my father-in-law because he thought it was funny to call Gunner any other name that rhymes with Gunner), Donkey, and Good Boy
What makes Polkadog treats worth it compared to other brands?
The simple ingredients are just non-comparable to other brands! The price is very reasonable and the treats always look high quality. We want the BEST for our pup, always, so we are always on the search for what’s the next best thing for him. We found Polka Dog treats to be reasonably priced, high quality, and high in variety with selection compared to other brands.
Any funny stories or fun facts? Gunner is a BIG velcro dog. And we love that about him. Everywhere we go, he must go too. If mom is sitting on the couch, Gunner has to be sitting on top of her. If dad is working on his laptop, Gunner must have a paw on top of dad’s foot.
When is Gunner the grumpiest? My dog is grumpiest when it’s 1 minute past dinner.
Hugo, @hugo.le.beau
Humans: Catherine & Matt
Breed: Cockapoo
Age: 2 years old
Location: Boston, MA
What is your dog's favorite Polkadog treat? Hugo can't get enough of the Cod Skins. He likes to take them into his favorite “secret corner” and all we hear is his happy crunching
Have you noticed any specific health benefits or improvements in your dog’s well-being since trying Polkadog? We’ve found that Hugo’s love for Polkadog treats make them extra-special high value options for when extra incentive is needed! This is especially true for teaching him behaviors and commands that are important to his safety, like “Drop it”. He’s much more likely to give up a sock in exchange for one of his favorite Polkadog treats.
What's your favorite activity/place to go with your pet? Hugo loves to explore - to the point where any walk we take him on needs to be a loop! If we try to get him to go back the way we came, he loses all momentum. He’s fearless about travel - planes, trains, ferries, or cars!
What is a core memory you have with your pup? The first day we brought him home and how cuddly he was. We got him home, exhausted and sat on the couch and he happily flopped onto his back and fell asleep with a paw on each of us. He still sleeps like that to this day!
If Hugo could talk, what’s the first thing you think they’d say?
“Can I have a bite of that?”
What are some of your other favorite pet brands? Kong and Outward Hound make Hugo’s absolute favorite tiny squeaking tennis balls
Human: Kelsey
Breed: Super Mutt (breeds unknown)
Age: 2 years old
Location: Orlando, FL
Have you noticed any specific health benefits or improvements in your dog’s well-being since trying Polkadog? I recently was complimented on how soft her fur is and I get compliments on her teeth all the time. I think the Cod Skins may help with both of those.
Do you have any feel-good stories with your pet? We adopted Zoey at roughly 8 weeks old. We found out she had Parvo 3 days after we adopted her. We didn’t know what it was, we just knew it was serious. Our brave, strong girl beat parvo and we’re just so lucky that she’s in our lives. My true Soul Dog.
What's your favorite activity/place to go with Zoey? I love taking Zoey swimming. It’s a great form of exercise for her and I really just love watching her swim because she looks so happy when she’s swimming.
What are your dog’s nicknames? Zo-Zo, Z, Bean-Bean, Zo-ster, Z-wiggles
What is a core memory you have with Zoey? The first time she came to comfort me while I was crying. The first time I ever cried in front of her, she walked right up to me and rested her head on my lap. Then she gave me kisses. It was so amazing to see her in tune with my emotions and she knew how to comfort me.
Any funny stories or fun facts? Zoey can run an average of 27 mph. She also managed to jump over a woman’s shoulder while she was standing at the dog park.
Bernard, @bernardthebt

Human: Sara
Breed: Boston Terrier
Age: 3 years old
Location: Boston, MA
What is your dog's favorite Polkadog treat? Salmon Says, Lucky Duck and Green Monstah bits! And Cod Skin Shorties! Who says they can only have one favorite treat!
Have you noticed any specific health benefits or improvements in your dog’s well-being since trying Polkadog? Cod Skins and Alaskan Salmon Chips keeps Bernard’s coat healthy and shiny.
What are some of your other favorite pet brands? The Modern Dog Company and The Foggy Dog
Any funny stories or fun facts? Bernard loves playing in his ball pit! He zooms in and out of it and after we clean it up he will jump back in and spin around.
When is your dog the grumpiest? My dog is grumpiest when we trim his nails.
Snacks, @snacksthebernese
Humans: Catherine and Don
Breed: Bernese Mountain Dog
Age: 3 years old
Location: South Boston
What is your dog's favorite Polkadog treat? Cod Skins. Hands down and without a doubt it's the Cod Skins. Whenever the Cod Skin comes out, nothing else matters and the drooling immediately begins. Snacks' Cod Skin Cronch Review is a recurring Instagram story segment.
What interested you in becoming a Polkadog ambassador? We were excited to help shine some light on a local company that was making amazing treats that we knew were high quality and would be good for our dog. It's also great having the local stores nearby to be able to drop in and try out new treats (Snacks has yet to taste test a treat in-store that she hasn't loved, and tried to get seconds of…).
What do you enjoy most about being a brand ambassador for Polkadog? Being a brand ambassador for Polkadog is an absolute joy! We get to meet adorable dogs and their fantastic owners in our community. Trying out new products is so much fun, and we feel proud to support this local company we love! Our favorite brand ambassador moment was having the opportunity to join the photo shoot for the Cake Batter treats. What a fun and awesome day!
What's your favorite activity/place to go with Snacks? Snacks is an up-for-anything dog. As a puppy, she came everywhere with us so she is very flexible (i.e., doesn’t mind/loves napping in the backseat of a car across 3 friends for hours on end if needed). Her favorite places to go are to the lake where she can jump off the dock or boat and go swimming. Our favorite place to bring her is anywhere with a nice patio and a drink special which allows dogs, which is why it is great that Boston is becoming more dog friendly, with new licenses allowing some establishments to allow dogs to designated areas!
Bucket list place to take Snacks? We have often thought of bringing Snacks back to run up and down the hill of her ancestors in Bern Switzerland. She LOVES the snow and we know she’d be in her element there.
Pizza School, @pizzaschoolthecorgi

Human: Sandra Wong
Breed: Corgi
Age: 9 years old
Location: Medford
What interested you in becoming a Polkadog ambassador? We love supporting local businesses! We are constantly reinforcing training with Pizza School and look for quality treats to keep him motivated. He’s obsessed. There is so much variety to keep him interested and we love sharing it with our other pup friends too!
What are your dog’s nicknames? PS, Puppy School, Pup, Pizza, Slice, Sausage Boy, Sgt Grumbles
Do you have any feel-good stories with your pet? Pizza School got diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) a couple months ago. It’s a disease that affects the spine and will eventually lose use of his hind legs. We do A LOT of physical therapy workouts with him to keep him strong and slow his progression, but we ALWAYS use our Polka dog treats during his sessions to keep him going and he works so hard when he sees the training nuggets!
What is a core memory you have with Pizza School? We took him on a hike in NH and when we got to the top everyone was so impressed by him scrambling up boulders to the top with his stumpy legs! He was passed out in the car on the way home and a tired dog = a happy dog.
Funny Story: There was this one time PS decided to have the longest pee of his life in the middle of the street as the light turned green. We got him across as he painted a nice long squiggle line of pee across two lanes of traffic...
Fun Fact: We've unintentionally trained him to associate rolling out our yoga mat with ball time. Once it comes out, he immediately searches for his ball. Needless to say, yoga with a slobbery ball thrown at your face is not very relaxing.
Oatley, @oatleythesheepadoodle
Human: Briana
Breed: Sheepadoodle
Age: 2 years old
Location: East Providence, RI
What interested you in becoming a Polkadog ambassador? We love everything about the brand! Delicious, sustainable and healthy treats.. the friendliest staff.. and love that they are made only an hour away from us! Just wanted to spread the word on how great Polkadog is :)
What is a core memory you have with your pup? Flying to Kansas City and picking him up with his dad. A long travel day but a special time to finally get to meet him!!
What makes Polkadog treats worth it compared to other brands?The way he is obsessed with them. He can be a picky eater and goes through phases with treats but there is always a Polkadog treat that he will go crazy for! Also the ingredients and sustainability make me feel good purchasing.
Best trick your dog can do for a treat? Pray!
If Oatley could take 3 things on a deserted island what would they be? His tug-of-war toy, Polkadog Wonder Nuggets, and his mum!!
We continue to look forward to creating more tail wagging memories with you and your pup. If you’re interested in becoming a Polkadog Brand Ambassador, please apply here: and we’ll be in touch if we think you’re a good fit!